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Link Realty's Monthly Report

Have You Seen Our Featured Listing of the Month?

⛳ Gorgeous Golf Course Views!!
✨ Beautiful Hardwood Floors Throughout!
☀️ Vaulted Ceilings & Tons of Natural Light!!
🥂 Private Backyard Patio, Perfect For Entertaining!!

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It could be much MORE than you think!!! 💰💰

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Curious About Interest Rates?

Rates are still near historical lows. So are home prices. There are still real estate deals waiting to be claimed. So, that begs the question: Is now a good time to buy a house? The economy is healthier than any time in decades, especially based on unemployment numbers. Incomes are up. Inflation is down. According to Freddie Mac, the average nationwide 30- Year fixed rate just hit 3.625%, about 2 percentage points lower than expected by now.

 To put that into perspective, you would save over $300 per month on a 10% down, $350,000 loan with that 2% rate drop. Additionally, at Clear Mortgage, we don’t have any lender fees. No application, origination or processing fees. About $1000.00 saved in costs alone.
If the time is right, buy a home for the right reasons: Because you need a place to live and want to build equity instead of paying someone else’s mortgage with your rent. With rates being low your monthly payment in many cases, is CHEAPER than paying rent. You may decide that now is the time to strike, Your income is solid, mortgage rates are low, and there are affordable homes in your desired area. 

Own a home already? Why not take advantage of the rates in lowering your payment, consolidating debt, or pulling out some earned equity to work on a home project?  Purchase or refinance, get started using the link below. You may be happy about your pro-active decision before the environment changes in 2020.

Get Pre-Approved Now

🏡 Looking for a new home? 👀

Check out our buyer’s guide for more information about the home 

buying process and your experience with the Link Realty: 

The Buying Experience

Start your search for your new home on our website:

Here’s what our clients are saying about us!

I can recommend Nicole Mall with out any reservations. She did an excellent job in selling our two condos
and in helping me buy my new house. She was especially helpful in getting our condos ready to sell.

Click 👉 here 👈 to see all of our testimonials!

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